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These are a series of black and white gouache paintings that I used for a while as an alternative to pen and ink. Always liked the mood, reminds me of the feel of old B&W horror movies. All pieces are published, when I find time I will drag out all my magazines and find out when and where and post. All were done from reference photos I had taken,
Some notes of interest: I was the model for "Bathtime". My Dad and brother modeled for "Deuces are wild", A "52 International my neighbor was restoring is the truck in "The dark swamp".
The others are old abandoned local landmarks.
All images copyright 2013 Alan Jude Summa. May not be reproduced without written consent from the artist. Oh, and I want money too.
The Dark Swamp
Talk Dirty.
Deuces are wild.
Big Al's garage.
2AM cover art.
The Drive-In.
Evil on my Mind.
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